Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Journal Entry no.12

June 12th, 2011.
On the train to Paris to catch my other train to Switzerland. I am so excited to see my family! I can’t believe it’s been almost a year since I’ve seen them!
The journey has been long, due to strikes, of course… France would give me some last strikes just before I leave!

I can’t believe the end is so close. I have a total of four days left in Amiens plus one week in Paris… so little time. It is so scary. The people here, in France, have become more than friends for me. They are like my family, when I didn’t have mine here to turn to. I want to try to move back to Europe! A.S.A.P. I’ve never felt so at home or comfortable in my own skin before… it is like I’ve finally proven to myself that I can stand on my own two feet.
Random Note: Saw a man in a transparent t-shirt at the train station in Geneva.. not pretty!

[This series is coming to an end... one more Journal Entry and we will begin with the next series.- Cities- Presenting random facts and photos of cities I've been to in Europe and out of Europe.] 

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