As Breah and I were fully rested for our Parisian adventure, we had many sights to cram into a very small amount of time. So… easiest way to see all of Paris in two days... Bus tour. We woke up and dragged all our suitcases back down the flights of stairs and jumped on the Métro to go to Gare du Lyon to leave them in the lockers. After the hauling and heaving and hyperventilating we made it to the lockers and scouted a nice little restaurant and had the most amazing Gratin Dauphinoise. Once our bellies were about to explode we jumped on the bus and toured Paris. Getting most of the sights in and enjoying our time together. Around 14h or 2 p.m., I started receiving text messages from friends saying they were arriving in Paris to catch our train that night to Marseilles. We bought some souvenirs for Breah. As soon as we meet up with some of my friends An, S, & E, we run to the train station [Gare du Lyon] and meet up with H to jump on our three hour train ride to Marseilles in first class. Now, Marseilles is where the fun really starts…
To be continued.
Here are some pictures from Paris... :)

The Sacrée Coeur after going to the Fondue place.. [I've got no strings to hold me up- That is what you will sing after climbing all the stairs.]
Hi there! Nice blog! I came across your blog as I was going through the this is glamorous blog. I was looking for some ideas on where to go in Paris, besides the usual of course. I'm going to Paris for my birthday later this month, I live in Milan, Italy. I'm chinese american who moved to Italy from NY a couple of years just a friendly hello from one new blogger to another!!